Sulo is my dog. He is a black cockerspaniel. He is almost 3 years old. We got him three years ago in May.
I chose to tell about him because he is one of the most important things to me and my best friend.
He is kind of a small dog. Or maybe medium size. He is black, as I already mentioned. When he has been trimmed, he looks a bit funny. But sometimes he has a big fluffy fur. He has big paws, bigger than most of the cockerspaniels. People always adore them. He also has a little curly fur. He has a little bit crooked tail.
Even though 3 years old dog is no longer a puppy, I think Sulo is. He is very playful and a little bit stupid. But I love how goofy he is. He likes to break his toys, which is kind of annoying, because once it's broken there are stuffing all over our house. He likes to run and play with us. He also likes food and everytime someone is in the kitchen he sits on the floor and stares at you. It's hard to not give him anything. He also like sleeping and sometimes he curls up with me.

My dog is very, very, important to me and I love him with all my heart. Yes, sometimes he is a little difficult, but that's what dogs do. He is my best friend and I like playing with him.